Arithmology also known as numerology explained

Published on 5 June 2024 at 16:40


Numbers and numerical patterns always seem to hold significance to us. Ancient cultures, ancient thinkers and ancient teachers found much connection between mathematics, the physical or material world and the spiritual world.

Pythagoras, in the 6th century BC, believed that there existed a significant and intense esoteric relationship between numbers and the natural world. Many view him as the ‘father’ of “Western” numerology as we know it today. Yet, there is great speculation that he first studied the ‘Mother’ numerology system, the Chaldean one, and then made modifications to build his own.

Chaldean numerology was birthed in that part of the world historically identified as ‘the cradle of civilization’, Mesopotamia. The Sumerians who grew this first true civilization (3200-2800 B.C.) developed a soundly functional numerical system. From this early numerical system, Chaldean numerology emerged.

The Chaldeans, who believed their earliest ancestors were of divine and not human origin, settled south Mesopotamia’s chief city-state, Babylon. In time Mesopotamia became known as the Babylonian empire and ultimately, the Chaldeans took ascendency over all Babylonia, which then came to be known as Chaldea, which was the last national identity of Mesopotamia, before its fall to the Persians.

Modern science has confirmed that everything in the universe vibrates and that everything is at varying levels affected by these vibrations.

The Persians found the Chaldean culture so impressively advanced in mathematics, astronomy, astrology, writing and mystical arts that they began referring to practitioners of astrology and astronomy as Chaldeans. Linked to this terminology, the very first system of numerology is referred to as Chaldean numerology.

Chaldean numerology was predicated on the concept that numbers were linked to the energy of the universe, a creative energy, always kinetic and always moving in response to the divine order of all things. All aspects of existence were then linked to numerology. The energetic properties of the numerals were used to identify, reveal and inform.

Modern science has confirmed that everything in the universe vibrates and that everything is at varying levels affected by these vibrations.

Both Chaldean and Pythagorean numerology are actually alphanumeric systems. The same vibrational energy that was attributed to numbers was also attributed to alphabetical symbols. Perhaps, the best way to understand the link is to know that in all the advanced cultures in the ancient world, counting was accomplished and recorded by, representing each unit with a single symbol repeated a number of times. When the limit for this symbol was reached, it was then replaced with another symbol. These symbols were combined to indicate larger numbers or quantities. This type of system carries over into today as we use the symbol |, to indicate a single unit, and we arrive at a count of five units, the fifth | appears as a diagonal or horizontal line across the first four “|” s.

Eventually, the concept of using sound symbols to represent the number replaced the use of tally markings. The letter used to represent a number was often linked to that number by using a phonetic symbol for the initial sound of the word for the number. In numerology, letters, like numbers, were thus representative of the creative energy of the universe. The numerical equivalent of letters or words then reveals the energetic internal connections between the creative potentials of each one.

The numbers that represent the day, month and year of our birth, along with the letters that comprise our names create the blueprint for the energies or vibrations that will impact our lives and the source for our personal power.

To determine our own personal vibration and what energies, desires and needs our vibration attracts is the first step toward developing effective ways to working with the multitude of energies surrounding us so that we may live in harmony with the universe.

          As you can see the origins of numerology did not come from Hebrews or Christians, but in reality, came from pagan backgrounds, and it seems that Hebrews and Christians adopted it from these other cultures that they had been in contact with during their captivities in those cultures.



Numerology is the study of numbers and their energetic influence on people's lives. We Numerologists believe that numbers have deeper meanings than their numerical value and can provide insight to people's characteristics, future events, and life purposes. Numerology can help people discover their strengths and characteristics, such as their destiny number, the energy surrounding their birth date, and the impact of power numbers.  For a personalized reading check out the store.  Let's uncover together what is hidden in numerology chart today! I look forward to working with you

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